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ThermaPools are the Better Choice for Aqua Therapy

Doctors and physical therapists have long held that the Benefits of Warm Water Therapy are a viable prescription for many ailing and recovering patients.

Aqua therapy, or also known as aquatic therapy, is "Body stretching and movement within the buoyancy of warm water." By eliminating the high impact of body weight on regular surfaces, aquatic therapy allows your body to float and remove the downward gravity pressure on your bones, muscles and body as a whole.

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Exercise in the buoyancy of water is very beneficial. But within warm water these benefits are greatly amplified. Warm water soothes the body, relaxes the muscles, eases the pain in joints, and provides an even greater environment for a quick and speedy recovery. Warm water aqua therapy is more than just sitting in a spa, it is a daily routine of movements within the body of deep warm water. With a ThermaPool there is an endless list of exercises you can perform in the privacy of your own pool. The warm water promotes comfort and relaxation of your muscles, nerves and bones - while the depth prompts you to exercise more because it is easier and feels better. Endless pool hours of healthy exercises in the privacy of your own home - that's a ThermaPool.

Learn more about the benefits of warm water >>>

The Benefits of Aqua-Therapy

Aqua therapy is basically any type of exercise or movement within a body of water. It is more than just swimming; it's kicking, stretching, floating, walking and/or generally any kind of movement that allows your body to stretch, expand and release tension without the body weight restricting movement.

Our therapy pools create an environment of buoyancy making it easier to gain motion with less pain and strain on the joints, muscles and body. The value of warm-water therapy is not something new, in fact, doctors have for years proclaimed the Benefits of Warm Water Therapy and its important role in helping patients recover, athletes soothe their aching bodies, or just an excellent addition to overall wellness - and a ThermaPool makes all that possible in the privacy of your own home.

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