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Seriously? You Want to Try to Perform Aquatherapy in This?

* A customer quote that we agree with fully.

When a doctor prescribes aqua therapy for a patient, it is generally accepted that the need is for a long period of time, and to be performed on a regular basis. Relying on a local community swimming pool for these water-based exercises can be more frustrating than relaxing...and really gross.

We offer the easiest and least expensive way to do deep warm water aquatic-based exercises in the privacy of your own home. We have been repeatedly told that simply an hour a day in our deep warm water therapy pool is enough to get an ailing patient through an entire day pain free*. These same customers tell us that when they miss a daily routine of warm water aquatherapy, the pain is even greater and less manageable because how important access to their own ThermaPool means to them daily.

Relying on a community pool for daily aquatic therapy will create more frustration than relaxation.

Also is the issue of sharing the water. Have you ever really considered what is in the water you are exercising in when you use a community pool? Yuck! Think about it, you are basically swimming in other people’s bath water. In addition, community pool’s are heavily chlorinated to offset the “junk” that ends up in the water - every day. Again, Yuck!

If you need access to deep warm water for exercise, looking to manage the pain and don't want to throw money down the toilet - then our therapy pool offers you an easier and less expensive way to enjoy deep warm water aquatic-based exercises in the privacy of your own home.

Learn more about aquatherapy >>>